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Get reminders by email, mail and Facebook each month to take some time for you.

Budget friendly

Get the products you need to make great cards without the initial cash outlay.


The other participants love to share their projects and encourage each other.


I will teach you what you need to know to make better cards, whether you are expert or novice.

Creation Club - Card Making at Home

I run workshops by mail for busy people who just want some time for themselves.  

Does this sound like you?

  • I have Stampin' Up! products but I never use them

  • I would like to do card making but I don't know where to start

  • I have just seen the new catalogue and I want this whole suite, but my bank account doesn't agree

  • I want to learn to do something more than fold a piece of card board in half and stamp it

  • I love card making workshops but my calendar is so full

My Creation Club is a great group of people who just like to make things and share pictures of their creations.  We love to get fun packages in the mail that aren't bills, we love new products and we love encouraging each other online with games and project ideas.

Stampin' Blends Club

The new Stampin' Blends are very popular, you can buy them all up front and join my $10 a month club to learn how to use them. If you don't want to spend that much in one hit, you can spend $35 a month and earn all the markers.

Stampin' Trimmer Club

Want to learn to do more than fold a piece of card stock in half?  In this $10 Club we are doing more complex projects, 3D projects, and as there is no product you can join whenever you like.

Tutti - Frutti Club

Love the new Tutti-Frutti Suite in the Occasions Catalogue?  Join this club.  The $10 club is for demos or people who just have to buy all the products now, the $30 club is for those who want all the Tutti-Frutti goodness without the initial cash outlay.

What is Creation Club?

How the clubs work is you pay your monthly amount, and each month you receive:

  • instructions to make your projects for the month;

  • access to the instructions for the other two clubs through the members only Creation Club website;

  • a technique card (see what that is here);

  • participation in a monthly Facebook party where we share further projects we can make with those products and play games online together;

  • a monthly chance to win a further stamp set; and

  • ongoing support from me regarding how to use your products or make the projects.


If you are in a $30 or $50 club you also receive each month:

  • that month's share of your products;

  • anything extra you need to make that month's projects, maybe a product like card stock you won't receive until the following month; and

  • most importantly, a core set of products that you can use to create cards and paper craft yourself, from home, without the initial cash outlay


You will also get to actually make some projects, because I have already designed them and prompted you, rather than simply having your products sit on a shelf at home.  In all of the clubs I assume that you have scissors, adhesive and clear blocks, if you don't already own these you will need to purchase them.

It has been great being part of your Creation Club, thank you so much for running it! It has been so lovely to be involved in crafting as a part of a group without having to leave home, especially with a baby. Your online parties have been a safe space where there is always positivity and fun. Being able to focus on being creative and having fun with others has been important to me. I'm really looking forward to the new projects, keep up the great work :-)

Vickie - Creation Club member

Is it safe?

If you (like me) prefer to deal with people face to face and so you are worried about purchasing online then you have a couple of options.

Firstly, if you pay me using Pay Pal then they have their own buyer protection guarantees.  Check that out here.

Secondly, if you live in Western Sydney you could come to one of my face to face workshops and then you can deal with a real live person.  Join my mailing list to find out when the workshops are on, or email me and I will tell you when the next one is on.

Thirdly, Stampin' Up! is invested in ensuring that people can trust their demonstrators.  If have an issue you could contact them (click here) and let them know that you gave money to a demonstrator and have received nothing in return.  There is also a demonstrator finder on the website (click here) where you can double check that I really exist.

If you still have concerns shoot me an email, I am sure we can find a way to assure you.

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